Thursday, August 21, 2014

Still rolling along!

Its been almost a year and I'll admit, I got distracted. Along the way, we lost my mother-in-law, Vivian Truxell to liver failure caused by tylenol. Then, a month later we lost my son-in-law, Jeremy Elkins. We survived it but it hasn't been easy. I think there's still a lot of anger because of the way they died.

Prescription medications are supposed to help, not hurt you. In Vivians case, it happened so fast that it was too late by the time she was taken to the hospital. She died 3 days later. Vivian had gone through more than 8 back surgeries. She had injections, therapy, and took pain medicine for 15 to 18 years for it. Her doctor, who was also mine, kept a close watch on her blood work so this wouldn't happen. A few months after she passed away, he retired. Not because he did anything wrong but because they had been close friends for a long time and this really hit him.

She didn't intentionally overdose, she would never have done that because of her christian faith and her love for our son Matt. She knew how and when to take her meds and was very careful with it. Like I said, she had taken them for a very long time. So why all of a sudden did this happen? Why did she suddenly have such a lethal dose of tylenol in her body?

Did the prescription change and she didn't know it? Did she wake up in pain, forgot that she had already taken it and take it again, over and over? We don't know. Just a few days before, she had talked with a nephew in length and he said she was in a good frame of mind, acted normal and nothing seemed out of place. So why all of a sudden would this happen?

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